December 2-4, 2025 | Henry B. Gonzàlez Convention Center | San Antonio, TX


Jay Tinsley

I’m a Northeast transplant currently living in Phoenix with my wonderful wife and two kids. They are the sun around which my solar system revolves. I’m a financial aid administrator by trade but I fancy myself a youth coach, community activist, and distance runner in my spare time. My hope is that my lifestyle will show my kids that we can be defined by more than our occupations, but also by what we put back into our communities.

I’ve long acknowledged that my kids are the coolest thing about me. They are smart, funny, thoughtful, resilient, and a host of other qualities that I didn’t come close to possessing until early adulthood. It’s a small trade-off to have my last nerve constantly hanging on by a thread if it means I’m putting them in a position to have a positive impact on this world.

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