December 2-4, 2025 | Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center | San Antonio, TX
Subject Line: Maximum of 100 Characters
Standard sans serif fonts (Arial, Helvetica, Verdana, Tahoma, Times New Roman) in black
or dark grey
Send a fully assembled HTML file with all links and images in place. All images (.JPG or .PNG) should be uploaded to advertiser’s server and linked by absolute URLS
Secure (https) sources are preferred. All images should be resized prior to uploading to advertiser’s server.
Use inline styles only
Recommended width of HTML is 600PX
Optimize HTML content across various common email clients. Be sure to check the email’s appearance before submitting materials. Putsmail is one free tool that could be used.
Many popular email programs automatically block images in emails so please keep all essential information in the text of your file. The use of alt text on images is highly recommended.
Use proper HTML codes for special characters to ensure they render correctly in different email client
No video, audio, flash or GIFS are supported
The Running Event will run deliverability tests on provided HTML files and request that changes are made if usability, spam or rendering issues are present
Christina Henderson, Event Director
[email protected]
Glenn Dulberg, Sales
[email protected]
Emma Galeckas, Attendee Support
[email protected]